Saturday, April 28, 2012

Playing together

The boys are working on gaining a new skill - interactive play. Most of the time, they are super content to just watch others play. But lately, they have been engaging in play - especially with Morgann. On the way home from the beach the other day, Isaiah made up a game of grabbing Morgann and giggling. Then Morgann would grab his hands and they would both laugh.

Tonight, Morgann, Kaden and Isaiah sat and played ball together. They took turns rolling the ball to each other. It was beautiful to watch. Isaiah especially struggles with being engaged with toys and playing but he was SO into it. Kaden (who loves his picture taken) mostly smiled at me while I was taking pictures, but he was very into playing ball before I pulled out the camera.

It made my momma heart so happy to watch my three kids play together. It also gave me lots of hope for their future. If they can learn to play ball, they can learn other things. Its a good reminder for when I get down about their slow progress. It may be slow, but its progress and I will take that and rejoice in every little "inchstone" they accomplish.

(PS forgive the piles of laundry in the background. It is all neatly folded and almost all put away;-)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

"Up from the grave he arose
With a mighty triumph o'er his foes.
He arose a victor from the dark domain,
And he lives for ever with his saints to reign.
He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose!"

What a beautiful, blessed day we had. The victory over death, sin, sickness, and sadness we celebrate with friends and family. A beautiful church service followed by a wonderful lunch and a long nap.

Though we are plagued here on earth with sickness, sin, and other not so pretty things, we rest in assurance that Jesus rose conquering these things.

Even as I type, I watch a sickish girl sleep. One day, upset tummies will cease. Ear infections will be conquered. Those of course are the little things. But the God I serve cares about the little things and the big things. All because Jesus died in our place on the cross and arose from the dead. His gift to us is unfathomable, beautiful, and perfect.