Monday, November 17, 2008

16 hours, 9 states, a puppy & toddler

Last Monday we found out that Rich's parents had a big house fire at their new home in SC. Feeling the need to go down to be with them we loaded up Sarah's Camry and headed down to SC around 8 p.m. We drove through the night, picked up some Starbucks, and arrived to the burnt house around noon. We surprised them, our dorky selves drove up with Starbucks and said: "Hey, we though you might need some coffee." I think it was a good surprise. Anyway, we spent the week down with his parents, brother Kevin, and grandparents, delegating our time between Charleston and Georgetown SC. It was a nice visit. Getting a shelter pup in NH is near to impossible and expensive, and half of the dogs are from the South anyhow. So we've always said we would look for dogs while back in the South. Well on Thursday we went to the Georgetown Animal Shelter and found Lo. (Short for Loretta, her given shelter name). She is a sweet 5 mo. old golden/lab/hound mix. The shelter manager is actually from VT and was more than willing to let us adopt and take her back to NH. So on Friday we picked her up and on Saturday we started our adventure back to NH. It went as well as to be expected with a toddler and a puppy. Poor Sarah's Camry sure was stinky by the time we made it back to NH at 3 a.m. Lo was a great passenger and slept most of the time. Morgann was pretty good little rider too and talked to the doggie, sang songs, and ate way too many snacks! So here she is - the newest girl in the Clegg household - Lo. Poor Rich sure is outnumbered by females now!

(Photo by Sarah Wickstrum. I am too lazy to upload, we are pretty beat from our adventures in SC)

1 comment:

Emma Joersz said...

Lo- So nice to meet you- you're a cutie! Maybe we can play together one day. Give your family a nice big sloppy kiss from both of us!

Jenga & Addie